Bread of Life Bakers
The Bakers Guild was founded in 2013 by a group of friends who decided to use their talents to raise money for parish or community needs. Their purpose was to enhance the parish life at SJN by offering handmade candy for sale at various times of the year. In 2022 the group reorganized and is now known as the Bread of Life Bakers. Our new group specializes in home baked goods to include bread, pies, cakes, etc. Our group offers fellowship and a relaxed atmosphere as we work together to reach our goals.
Annual activities now include:
Occasional Teas
Valentine & Easter Candy (Production & Sale)
Thanksgiving Pie Sale (Pumpkin)
Lenten Fish Fry Desserts (making and selling)
Periodic Bake Sales to support parish ministries and needs.
Proceeds have benefited many parish ministries including the NeuWaves youth group, SJN Vacation Bible School, Scout troops, Zip shirt ministry, Blessed Sacrament-Huguenot scholarship fund, Columbarium fountain repair, and other maintenance needs at SJN.
Our bakers' kitchen building (Tasty Temptations) is next to the Powhatan Food Pantry. Renovations to create the current bakers' kitchen were also funded by the Bakers Guild/Bread of Life Bakers.
New Members
New members are always welcome. Supplies and recipes are provided. If you’ve never made pie crust, pie or candy, we'll help you learn. You're always welcome to join us during the time we're working and visiting with each other.
When we are working on a project, we meet twice a week in the bakers' kitchen. We meet Wednesdays from 10:00am to 12:00pm. All are welcome to join us!