Although the position of “usher” is not mentioned in the Bible, ushers provide an invaluable service. It is an honorable position in the church, requiring integrity, cordiality, and wisdom.
Ushers are some of the first ones that people see when they arrive and the last ones they see as they leave. It is important that an usher be friendly, honest, and willing to serve.
"Blessed is the one who listens to me, watching daily at my gates, waiting beside my doors." ~Proverbs 8:34
Those who serve in this ministry serve as hospitality ministers for those in the worshiping assembly. Ushers welcome, seat people, accommodate special needs, solicit people to present the gifts, taking care of any emergencies and help facilitate the collection. This ministry is open to all who have a genuine love for the people of the community and a willingness to serve them as they worship. Training is provided.
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If you would like serve as an usher or have questions, use the contact information button.