Homebound & Hospital Ministry

Parishioners in the St. John Neumann community who are sick, homebound, or for various other reasons unable to come to Mass on Sundays, are still an integral part of our parish. They are in communion with us even though they are not physically present at the Eucharist.

No matter the reason - hospitalized, recuperating from surgery, medical problems, or temporarily/permanently unable to attend church - extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion for the sick are available to bring Communion to you.

If you or anyone in your household is homebound or hospitalized and unable to attend mass, the Homebound Ministry is here to keep you connected to the St. John Neumann community.


To Schedule a Visitation to the Sick or Homebound please use the contact information button.

Currently, this ministry is on hiatus

Hospital Ministry

This ministry takes the Eucharist to Catholic patients at Johnston Willis Hospital during April, August and December.

  • It is a very rewarding ministry and one that is always looking for volunteers.

Sacrament Of Anointing The Sick

For more information about this Sacrament and how to request it, please visit the sacraments' page.

  • The Sacrament of Anointing is also celebrated the last Sunday of each month at 9:30 AM.